day 1: I ascend with ease, I descend with grace

I woke up with the energy of sadness welling as tears behind my eyes, coming forth as blueness upon the blank canvas of this creation 

anchoring the floating, zippy, untethered energies of the higher dimensional realms into tangible, physical, material form is a process of descension, condensation, embodiment 

as inspiration actualizes in this transition of state — like how water molecules organize from vapor into ice — there’s an embrace of structure, form, order

being in a human body can sometimes feel like the infinite is overflowing from the structured seams of this skin 


even when I might feel like a sausage bursting at the seams of this human casing, I remember that the seams only seem to be

in essence, the physical is the etheric and the earthly is the cosmic — ice and vapor are both fully, wholly, holy water

condensing and enlightening, descending and ascending, are two sides of the same coin

am I pure light? pure energy? freely formless? 

yes, and…

am I pure light? pure energy? freely formed? 

yes, and…

I am