Dream job? Got it.

Dream home? Living in it.

Dream body? Stronger every day.

Dream relationship? Better than imagined.



Available Rebirth Containers

Easily actualize any vision or goal in this nature-led playground for joyful transformation.

Whatever endings you are ready to integrate and new beginnings you are inspired to create, Pei-Ling helps you bring your dreams to life with joy in a Rebirth Container perfectly calibrated to you.

  • In a 90-Minute Rebirth Container, you get crystal clear on where you are and where you want to be.

    This container is ideal for:

    • Focusing on what’s most present and pressing.

    • Clearing your mental, emotional, physical, and energetic bodies.

    • Feeling confidently empowered to ground clarity into creatively inspired action.

    • Receiving insight into the blueprint of your essence as a resource for inner wisdom and guidance.

    Includes a personal resource guide of your numerology chart.

  • In a 9-Week Rebirth Container, you expand your toolbox of inner resources to confidently manifest your intended reality.

    This container is ideal for:

    • Supercharging and stabilizing a specific project or focus area — like rebirthing a business, planning an event, or moving into a new home.


    Each week of your Rebirth Container has a specific focus based on the energy and intention of that season in the Rebirth Cycle.

    In a 9-Week Rebirth Container, you experience one complete round of the Rebirth Cycle.


    There are six components to the structure of a Rebirth Container, each of which corresponds to the elements of the Rebirth System:

    1. Ceremony / Ether: Rebirth Blueprint

      Intentions: Awareness, Resourcing, Self-Compassion

    2. Clarity / Earth: Rebirth Habitat and Garden

      Intentions: Organization, Alignment, Grounded Focus

    3. Confidence / Fire: Sparks of Inspiration

      Intentions: Inspiration, Momentum, Initiation

    4. Creativity / Air: Private Slack Channel

      Intentions: Expression, Fertilization, Accountability

    5. Completion / Water: 1:1 Rebirth Sessions (60-Min Each, 6 Total)

      Intentions: Anchoring, Presence, Connection

    6. Celebration / Ether: Rebirth Night Pod

      Intentions: Reprogramming, Integration, Alignment

  • In an 18-Week Rebirth Container, you unearth and embody the self you’ve yet to dream of becoming.

    This container is ideal for:

    • Easily creating your better-than-imagined life.

    • Cultivating dormant seeds of underground dreams into fully blossomed harvest. What childhood dreams are calling to be rekindled?

    • Integrating a whole system reboot, reprogramming, upgrade on a cellular / DNA level — which happens when you work with Pei-Ling whether you consciously recognize it or not.


    Each week of your Rebirth Container has a specific focus based on the energy and intention of that season in the Rebirth Cycle.

    In an 18-Week Rebirth Container, you experience two complete rounds of the Rebirth Cycle.


    There are six components to the structure of a Rebirth Container, each of which corresponds to the elements of the Rebirth System:

    1. Ceremony / Ether: Rebirth Blueprint

      Intentions: Awareness, Resourcing, Self-Compassion

    2. Clarity / Earth: Rebirth Habitat and Garden

      Intentions: Organization, Alignment, Grounded Focus

    3. Confidence / Fire: Sparks of Inspiration

      Intentions: Inspiration, Momentum, Initiation

    4. Creativity / Air: Private Slack Channel

      Intentions: Expression, Fertilization, Accountability

    5. Completion / Water: 1:1 Rebirth Sessions (60-Min Each, 12 Total)

      Intentions: Anchoring, Presence, Connection

    6. Celebration / Ether: Rebirth Night Pod

      Intentions: Reprogramming, Integration, Alignment


Client Success Stories



Your Experience

In a Rebirth Container, Pei-Ling co-creates space with you to embody your greatest life with ease.

Benefits of Rebirth:

  • Feel connected to your inner guidance and resources

  • Feel clear on your visions and goals

  • Feel confident as you embody your highest self in daily life

  • Feel creatively inspired to follow through with grounded action

  • Feel safe to rest and digest — as integration is an essential part of the cycle

  • Feel celebrated in your wholeness every step of the way

  • Feel fulfilled in your contribution to the joyful wellbeing of all

Possible Modalities:

  • Guided Meditation

  • Card Reading

  • Intuitive Branding and Design

  • Numerology

  • Somatic Experiencing

  • Parts Work (Internal Family Systems)

  • Vocal Alchemy

  • Craniosacral Therapy

For an overview of our approach and a comprehensive list of modalities that might be invited into a Rebirth Container based on what’s present and pressing in the moment, please check out our Methodology.



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