“Pei-Ling is a rare, special human who brings a powerfully calm and grounded energy the moment she walks in the door.”
In Person Only
Easily actualize any vision or goal in this nature-led playground for joyful transformation.
Pei-Ling is based in Northern California’s beautiful Marin County and serves clients online around the world and in person across the San Francisco Bay Area.
In a 60-minutes, you get crystal clear on where you are and where you want to be.
This container is ideal for:
Focusing on what’s most present and pressing.
Clearing your mental, emotional, physical, and energetic bodies.
Feeling confidently empowered to ground clarity into creatively inspired action.
Receiving insight into the blueprint of your essence as a resource for inner wisdom and guidance.
Includes a personal resource guide of your numerology chart.
Item description
Item description
Item description
Client Success Stories
Your Experience
In a Rebirth Container, Pei-Ling co-creates space with you to embody your greatest life with ease.
Benefits of Rebirth:
Feel connected to your inner guidance and resources
Feel clear on your visions and goals
Feel confident as you embody your highest self in daily life
Feel creatively inspired to follow through with grounded action
Feel safe to rest and digest — as integration is an essential part of the cycle
Feel celebrated in your wholeness every step of the way
Feel fulfilled in your contribution to the joyful wellbeing of all
Possible Modalities:
Guided Meditation
Card Reading
Intuitive Branding and Design
Somatic Experiencing
Parts Work (Internal Family Systems)
Vocal Alchemy
Craniosacral Therapy
For an overview of our approach and a comprehensive list of modalities that might be invited into a Rebirth Container based on what’s present and pressing in the moment, please check out our Methodology.