10. Healing Creativity


I love my ovaries.

That’s an odd sentence I never thought I’d be saying. I just came out of a hypnotherapy* session that focused on inner healing, specifically of my lower torso area.

Note: We all have differing, possibly tumultuous relationships with various parts of our bodies. This is my individual experience with this area of the body as a cisgender, heterosexual woman who is a decade away from having babies. “Healing” in any context—physical or otherwise—doesn’t mean we’re broken. Regardless of how broken we might feel, we are still whole.

So, why my lower torso?

Two weeks ago, I had my birth chart read by a Vedic astrologer*. This was an empowering experience. I asked him countless questions spanning all facets of life, and when it came to health, he immediately identified my lower back and my digestive, reproductive, and excretory systems as a “problem zone”. Which is so true.

I’ve only ever had a negative association with that whole region of my body. Allow me to lay it all out there for a moment. From getting bladder infections as a toddler, to starting my period uncomfortably early as a fifth grader, to experiencing painful cramps that I’d subdue with lots of ibuprofen, to constipation and hemorrhoids, let’s just say that the astrologer hit the bullseye with that one.

Needless to say, it was a change of pace to feel positive, grounded, healing energy in that zone.

Connecting with my creative center.

During the session, my hypnotherapist (who also does HypnoFertility work) specifically guided me to connect with my reproductive system, which she called my female creative center.

I’ve never had (or even considered having) a personal relationship with my reproductive organs. Outside of biology textbooks, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uteruses don’t usually come up in conversation. But I connect with the idea of this area as a center of creativity. Here, humans create more humans. Creativity is the energy of life.

By healing my relationship with this region of my body, perhaps I can better harness my creativity within. After all, the ovaries hold some pretty powerful seeds of creation. So, yes. Today is the dawn of my love for my ovaries.

*If you’re thinking, what the heck are these things, I was right there with you four months ago. Here’s a great article introducing hypnotherapy that aligns with my experience. And here’s a snippet about Vedic astrology.

Pei-Ling Lee