the moment is now
Friend, the moment is now. For the past two weeks, spirit and I have been ruminating, co-creating, re-creating what this “first” transmission experience entails. Layering energies, images, words, colors, intentions, prayers in a multidimensionally woven tapestry of email vessel-dom. Waiting for the "perfect time" when I'd feel “ready” and “finished” and “complete” to share — perhaps the Full Moon on Friday or Spring Equinox on Sunday.
And this morning, while connecting with my Council of Ascended Mastery — which today includes unicorns, dragons, ancient Pei-Ling, fairy queen, shapeshifter queen, blue crystal queen of Sirius B, Jesus, Kuan Yin, Mary, and Thoth — I remembered (re-membered), recognized (re-cognize), and realized (real-ized) how even in this process of light mail creation, I've been choosing to dim, dilute, and alter my truest self.
The truth is, I'm weird. Wow, we're really touching on something now, as tears begin to well in this beautiful meat-suit that I get to inhabit.
Yes, I'm weird, different, strange, alien-like, abstract, ethereal, sparkly, and, perhaps, crazy.
The wonderful thing is that I am empowered to include all of these energies, these programs of separation consciousness, into the wholeness that is me. And by including the part that feels like I'm crazy — that fears I'll be burned at the stake, dunked and drowned, kicked off the planet for failing my mission and purpose — I neutralize that energy and integrate it into the divine oneness of my experience.
This part that's identified with the tribal consciousness energies of longing for approval, belonging, and worthiness fears that upon encountering the unedited, unscripted, uninhibited, unknown, divine, potent, radiant, cosmic, rainbow, lighthearted, enthusiastic, joyful, wonder-filled, magical, mystical, playful, silly, glorious, brilliant, truthful, pure, loving, compassionate, masterful, earthy, spiralic, seasonal, evolutionary, activating, changing, illuminating, insightful, visionary, quantum, multidimensional, authentic, ascended, abundant, prosperous, comfortable, confident, courageous, bold, grateful, blessed, easeful, relaxed, trusting, surrendered, calm, peaceful, accepting, inclusive, infinite, united, whole, complete me that I am…
…you and the wholeness of existence that is mirrored in your you-ness will reject, dismiss, disapprove of, ignore, belittle, alienate, target, attack, humiliate, threaten, kill, and/or banish me.
If I don't meticulously edit, revise, refine, and fine-tune every detail of what I write, share, create, send (like in this moment, a wobble came up wanting me to re-order my list to be “write, create, share…” because sharing is supposed to come after creating) then all those “bad” things will happen.
Zooming out my lens of consciousness now, the truth I experience is that all of what I've just shared, all that's just come through, is inherently neutral energy. Perhaps my channeling these energies offers you the opportunity to re-member, re-cognize, real-ize what your truth is in this moment. What resonates with you. What activates you. What catalyzes some spark within the divine wholeness of your experience.
It's quite incredible to experience those^ above energies of being within separation consciousness. For 22ish years, I got to fully inhabit and evolve this lens of consciousness. With focus and commitment, I chose to strive, to try, to effort, to achieve, to do, to improve, to better myself, to change, to fix, to problem solve, to work hard, to doubt, to analyze, to assess, to plan, to figure things out, to understand, to know, to fear, to forget, to judge, to reject, to compare, to compete, to hide, to dull, to dim, to protect, to close, to guard, to prove, to justify, to explain, to reason, to struggle, to try to fit in, to try to stand out, to try to be right and good and perfect and obedient, to believe in limitation and impossibility and lack and scarcity, to believe in not-enoughness and too-muchness, to exist in duality and separation and disconnection…
…and over the past 2ish years, I've chosen to re-member, re-cognize, and real-ize that everything was, is, and continues to be a choice. A divinely inpowered choice. The power, freedom, and sovereignty to choose, create, and experience all that's with/in is sourced with/in me.
I am my source. My source, I am.
Energy, life force, qi, prana, spirit, beingness, divinity, god/goddess, oneness, multidimensional wholeness, what is. Through the lens of consciousness that resonates as truth for me in this multidimensional now moment, these are all synonyms for me, for source, and for you.
And the wonderful news is that we are each self-inspired, self-sovereign, and self-inpowered to choose! Whether we seem to re-member, re-cognize, or real-ize that we have a choice or not. For my first 22ish earth years, I chose to forget my divinity, to forget my power, to forget my eternal safety, to forget my voice, to forget my ascended mastery, to forget my heart, to forget my body, to forget my joy, to forget my creativity, to forget my multidimensionality, to forget my self-trust, to forget my star essence, to forget my cosmic-earth connections, to forget my ancestors, to forget my lineage, to forget my intuition, to forget my unique essence, to forget my shine, to forget my guides, to forget my support, to forget my flow, to forget my abundance, to forget my brilliance, to forget my connection, to forget my source, to forget my love, to forget my wholeness, to forget that everything that seems to arise outside of me is a holographic reflection for what's already with/in.
Forgetting offers an intimate experience of separation from source, disconnection from self, and illusion of truth. A sensory immersion in a particular frequency range of existence. And as spiral light beings, this frequency range shifts, evolves, and expands with us throughout the inclusive moment. It's like the Shrek 4D experience at Universal Studios where the immersive images, sounds, smells, sensations awaken the sensory access points of the multidimensionally whole self. 1D, 3D, Shrek 4D, 5D, 8D, on and on. In a non-linear, non-hierarchical way, multidimensional wholeness includes all seemingly separate dimensions of consciousness. Cause they're all here, now, simultaneously unfolding and unchanging! So cool.
As my journey of divine beingness continues, there's a momentum of inclusive multidimensional expansion that continues to accelerate. As I choose to shift from being a battery that empties to being the energy that charges the battery. As I choose to evolve the program of continuously unplugging my connection to source electricity (out of fear of overwhelm, exhaustion, burn out — another wonderful separation consciousness program), to remaining consciously plugged into source energy (with the trust that my experience of life is always easefully attuned, aligned, and calibrated with what supports all that is).
And the funny thing is, in this quantum paradigm where my inbodied consciousness is divinely united with the infinite source of me, life naturally slows down, simplifies, and overflows. Slow, simple, overflowing. Each moment expands as an unlocked doorway to the infinite possibilities and potentialities of past, present, future. All is here. All is here. All is here. All is now. All is now. All is now. All is one. All is one. All is one.
Within the moment that is now, I offer you love, light, gratitude, blessings, miracles, freedom, peace, abundance, wellness, joy, ease, nourishment, flow, harmony, wonder, play, kindness, compassion, re-membrance, re-cognition, and real-ization.
Do you choose to receive?
Your choice is yours.
Your choice is perfect.
Your choice is free to change.
Your choice is complete.
Thank you for being here.
Thank you for being now.
Thank you for being one.
Thank you for being the you that only you are.